Icon of LibreSpeed app on Umbrel App Store


Free and open source speedtest


Open the App Store on your umbrelOS home server to install this app
Screenshot 1 of LibreSpeed app on Umbrel App Store
Screenshot 2 of LibreSpeed app on Umbrel App Store
Screenshot 3 of LibreSpeed app on Umbrel App Store
About this app

Free and open source speedtest. Measure internet speeds between your devices and your Umbrel.

What's newVersion 5.3.0

This update takes LibreSpeed from v5.2.5 to v5.3.0. Changes include: - Improved docker file - update php to 8.2 - ios favicon - adopt new getIP API - improve documentation - change units from Mbps to Mbit/s (only naming, no changed values) - move examples to folder Full release notes are found at: https://github.com/librespeed/speedtest/releases/tag/5.3.0
